Congratulations to Our Team Member on Successfully Presenting his Master’s Thesis!

Jul 25, 2023

We are thrilled to extend our warmest congratulations to one of our esteemed team members, Antonio González, on the successful presentation of his Master’s thesis!

This remarkable achievement is a testament to their dedication, hard work, and passion for research. As a group of researchers, we take immense pride in fostering a collaborative environment that encourages growth and innovation. Today, we celebrate the remarkable accomplishment of our fellow researcher, who has undoubtedly done an excellent job.

As our team member embarks on the next chapter of his academic journey, we have no doubt that he will continue to excel in his pursuits. We eagerly anticipate the remarkable contributions he will make in the future, and we look forward to witnessing his continued success. Once again, congratulations on this great achievement!

🏆 Ayer, nuestra CEO @maludoca estuvo recogiendo el premio en la categoría de Empresa de la 11ª edición de los Premios Talento Joven de la Comunidad Valenciana, organizados por @caixabank y @levante_emv 👏

¡Muchas felicidades y enhorabuena! 😍 ¡Muy merecido!

Hoy he tenido el placer de hablar de la vigilancia epidemiológica en aguas residuales en el IES Federica Montseny de Burjassot. Casi una hora de discusión con el alumnado del uso de las aguas para monitorizar poblaciones y de la importancia de la ciencia en la toma de decisiones!

Una representació de l'equip #RunnersCSICCV va participar ahir diumenge en la #València 15k y 7.5k Abierta al mar (@VCRunning). Enhorabona i gràcies per portar la samarreta del @CSIC fins la meta!

@CSICdivulga @CienciaGob @lasprovincias @AjuntamentVLC @FDMValencia

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